Comparing the Best 3 Dynamic Microphones for Podcasting

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 These three microphones in front of me are Pod Sound School's top contenders for podcast XLR dynamic microphones.

best dynamic podcast microphone - Shure SM7B vs Electro-Voice RE20 vs RODE PodMic

And I thought it would be fun to play a game in critical listening together.

I’m going to give you a blind audio taste test, so to speak, of these three microphones so that you can really tune in and pay attention to the subtleties of my voice through each microphone without knowing which one you're listening to.

I won't reveal what microphone you're hearing until the end, but I will tell you the letter and the corresponding color.

best dynamic podcast microphones - a blind taste test - A B C - can you hear the difference?

Pay attention to the 3 different sounds and do these 2 things:

  1. See if you can choose your favorite sound: 🟢, 🔵, or 🔴

  2. See if you can guess which is which: SMB7 vs PodMic vs RE20


As I talk about these microphones and why they made the list of our top contenders and help you decide which one is best for you, really take note of how the different tones and colors of my voice come through.

🟤 Is there one that you like more than the others and why?

Oh, and before we hop into the review, if this is your first time here, I'm Studio Steve. I'm an audio and video producer and also an instructor inside of our courses at Pod Sound School. 

I have about 20 years now of experience in professional audio production and microphones are one of my biggest passions in life.

If you’re interested in learning more about how podcasting can help you grow your business, sign up for our minicourse Idea to Podcast Simplified for Business Owners.


And now without further ado, let’s start the blind taste test!



Now there are 2 different types of microphones:

  1. dynamic microphones

  2. condenser microphones



Condenser microphones are different from dynamic microphones in 2 key ways:

  1. they require power

  2. they're a lot more sensitive so they don’t require as much gain

condenser podcast microphones - Blue Yeti AT4040 AKG C414 XL Neumann TLM 103 Sennheiser MKE 600

They're typically what you see in professional recording studios.

BIGGEST CON: They tend to pick up more of your surrounding area, so they DON’T perform as well in noisy environments like your at-home recording room/office/studio.



Dynamic microphones perform better in noisy environments and are really the tried, tested, and true choice of broadcast, radio, and podcast professionals.

dynamic podcast microphones - SMB7 MV7 SM58 RE20 RODE PodMic

Even though they don't require power, these microphones will need a PREAMP to boost their signal and to give power to these mics.

A preamp allows us to raise the mic level up to line level so that it's loud enough to be properly recorded by our computer.



So let's start with this bad boy in the middle, the Shure SM7B microphone.

shure SMB7 - best dynamic microphones for podcasting

Currently, the Shure SM7B is arguably the most popular podcast microphone made famous by the top podcasters in the world.

Why is the SM7B so popular?

  • It's durable.

  • It sounds crisp and clean on both male and female voices.

  • You can pick one up for only 400 US dollars.

Now you will hear people describe this mic as being gain-hungry, but really I think all of these microphones on the list are gain-hungry. This means they require a lot of gain to get them to the adequate recording level.

We love this microphone at Pod Sound School, and really this is our go-to recommendation for most of our clients.





Although the SM7B is typically my go-to mic, I'm sort of on an RE20 campaign right now to raise awareness of its coolness.

There are a few different models available of the Electro-Voice RE20 microphone.

  • The Classic RE20

  • The RE20 Black is essentially the same, only it's black (I think it looks really sleek)

  • The RE27 White

  • The RE320 Black and Silver

But, personally, I just can't get over the sound of the classic RE20 so this is what we are recommending to clients and students.

The RE20 has a really rich historyit was first created as a music microphone

I was first introduced to it actually as a kick drum microphone. It's perfect for sticking into a kick drum hole and gets an amazing sound that way.

But it was picked up by broadcasters because it has a really cool technology that allows you to get very close to the microphone without producing something called the proximity effect

In most microphones, you will hear a very dramatic proximity effect if you get too close to the microphone.

This proximity effect sounds like an emphasized low tone so your voice sounds a lot lower. And that is what we're used to hearing: that classic radio voice. A lot of that is caused by the proximity effect.

🟤 Well, the RE20 is really cool because you can get right on top of the microphone, and that proximity effect doesn't really happen the way that it does with other microphones.

It also does a great job picking up the clarity and the articulation of the voice while having a nice rounded, colorful tone.

I really can't say enough about the RE20. I love it a lot.

You can pick up the RE20 microphone for about 450 US dollars.





So now let's cruise over to the last one on our list, and that is the RODE PodMic.

RODE PodMic - best dynamic microphones for podcasting

This one is the new kid on the block in comparison to the other two classic microphones.

It's also much more affordable because you can pick up a PodMic for only 100 US dollars, which makes it a really popular choice for beginners and those on a tight budget. So this is always my go-to recommendation for tight budgets.


  • A very versatile microphone that can handle various recording environments

  • Performs well in noisy environments

  • Produces high-quality sound




That's really all you need to know about these dynamic microphones!

🟤 They are all very aesthetically pleasing in that they make you feel like a podcaster when you use any one of them.

🟤 And they will all give you a very nice, clear, controlled sound.



Below is the moment of truth where I reveal which letter is which microphone.

But before I do, make sure you go down into the comments below this video on YouTube and tell me which letter/color was your favorite sound, and especially tell me your guess as to which letter is which microphone.


💥 Alright! Are you ready for the big reveal? 💥





The first letter A with the color green is the RODE PodMic.

RODE PodMic is dynamic podcast microphone A green

What are your thoughts now that you know A was the PodMic? Let me know here.



The letter B with the color blue is the Electro-Voice RE20.

Electro-Voice RE20 is dynamic podcast microphone B blue

🤔 Did you guess correctly?

🤩 Was B your favorite?

I'm very excited to know.



And finally, last but not least, C with the color red is the classic Shure SM7B.

Shure SMB7 is dynamic podcast microphone C red

So I would love to know your thoughts.

🤔 Which one is your favorite?
A. RODE PodMic



Best Microphone for Podcasting // Can You Hear the Difference?



And there you have it! We've taken a deep dive into three of the best dynamic microphones for podcasting:

Each microphone has its unique strengths and characteristics, making it suitable for different needs and preferences.

I hope this blind taste test helped you to truly focus on the sound quality of each mic without any preconceived notions.

Whether you prefer the budget-friendly versatility of the RODE PodMic, the classic and rich tones of the Electro-Voice RE20, or the crisp and clear sound of the Shure SM7B, the best microphone for you is the one that makes your voice sound the way you want it to.

👉 Don't forget to share your thoughts and guesses in the comments below our YouTube video. Your feedback not only helps others in making their choice but also sparks interesting discussions in our podcasting community.


🎙️ If you're feeling overwhelmed, I recommend you have a professional look at your specific situation at your business or in your at-home office and figure out the best gear for the type of podcast you're looking to produce. We do this all the time when we work with clients one-on-one. You can find out more about our services by clicking here.

🎥 If you're in the market for a podcast microphone, then you may also be shopping around for the best camera for your video podcast. Let's face it, video podcasting is a no-brainer now so incorporating video (in one way or another) into your podcasting endeavors is important.

📸 So which camera is the best camera for video podcasting? Well, we made a video right here where we explore some very popular choices depending on your situation and your budget. So check it out.

Stephen Davis

Stephen Davis (AKA Studio Steve) is the co-founder and CEO of Pod Sound School, with 20 years of experience as a video/audio producer, professional audio engineer, and graphic designer. A lifelong audio nerd, Stephen’s passion for sound began at seven, and he’s since juggled rock bands, recording studios, and Hollywood productions. Today, he’s dedicated to helping aspiring editors master video podcast production and turn their skills into fulfilling careers. Through Pod Sound School’s YouTube Channel and Video Podcast EditLab, Stephen shares his knowledge and love for creating video and audio content with a new generation of creators.

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