AI Podcast Editing for Easy Content Creation: Badass or Really BAD?

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In the fast-paced world of podcast production, the allure of AI podcast editing tools is hard to resist. They promise to cut down on tedious tasks and deliver polished results with minimal effort.

But before you dive headfirst into the AI editing revolution, it’s crucial to understand both its potential and its pitfalls because AI podcast editing can be really BAD.

Think about this: 

🤔 Are there really any current AI podcast editing solutions that can automatically edit your show for you?

🤔 Are the results that you get from these AI solutions impressive enough to be considered professional?

Studio Steve in the style of Van Gogh's A Starry Night painting - AI Podcast Editing Is it Really Making Your Content Better

While AI can be a powerful ally in your creative process, it’s not a magic solution that replaces the need for skilled, thoughtful editing.

Let’s explore how to leverage AI without falling into the traps that could compromise the quality and authenticity of your work.


Let’s get started.



When it comes to editing, and especially all of the exciting ramifications of AI for editing, it seems like we're all after something that is against the very essence of what editing really istedious work.

Sadly, AI enables us to cling to the idea that it would be really nice to avoid the cruel reality of meticulously listening to every word of the podcast episodes that we edit.

But actually having to listen to every word of a podcast episode that you're editing is really NOT A CRUEL REALITY. It's an enjoyable reality. It's the essence of editing.

It's an enjoyable reality it's the essence of editing - AI Podcast Editing Is it Really Making Your Content Better

The only way that you can employ your creativity and really turn a podcast into something remarkable is if you do in fact listen to every word of the project that you're working on.

The Dream: I mean, it sounds great to be able to sit down with my buddy and tangent about all of the things that we're passionate about and then just give that to AI and ask AI to chop it up and piece it together in a way that's valuable for an audience.

Newsflash: That reality is never going to exist. And this sort of avoidance of the time-consuming task that it is to edit isn't actually what AI is supposed to do.

Let me explain.



AI is solving:

  1. the pain of administrative tasks

  2. the tasks that take forever

  3. the brain-hungry tasks: thinking, brainstorming, researching, referencing, comparing and contrasting


AI helps to empower the creative process by saving time on noncreative tasks.


And whether we like it or not, AI is now fully integrated into every creative pursuit by mankind for the foreseeable future.



Myself, I wouldn't like to imagine a world without AI in it. It would seem very dark and dreary without ChatGPT. And I wouldn't want to live in a world like that.

And add to that the idea of a world without the internet, and I would have a complete freakout.

I remember the world without the internet. It was boring.

Growing up, we had an encyclopedia because we were one of the fortunate families in the neighborhood who could afford a full set.

set of beige and brown World Book encyclopedias - AI Podcast Editing Is it Really Making Your Content Better

And it was awesome. But after you flip through all 20 books, that was it.

Super Nintendo and encyclopedias. Please don't make me go back there.

four young boys sitting on the floor playing video games on a Super Nintendo - AI Podcast Editing Is it Really Making Your Content Better


AI has become fully integrated into my everyday creative working process, and creative people can probably all fully relate to this.

But the thing that we have learned about AI is that the output from these AI tools is directly dependent on the quality of the input, or the quality of the prompt.


So, if you want to get any usable output from these AI tools, you've got to give it some really good input.


This means that the actual prompting and designing of what you're going to give to the AI tool to make it react the way you want is its own form of engineering and art. And it requires research, trial and error, experimentation, and creativity.

AI is helping us with the results:

  • More creative results

  • Pump out those creative results more consistently

It's the result that AI is helping us with - AI Podcast Editing Is it Really Making Your Content Better


Don't fall into the AI editing trap. And I actually mean this in two ways.



First, don't fall into the trap of thinking you need to go old school and stay analog and not utilize AI for your creative production.

You would be missing out on all of the opportunities creatively that you've been dreaming of for years.

AI isn't going to harm you. It's only going to help you with your creative pursuits.



Second, don't think that AI can edit for you because it can’t hear, interpret, speak, or comprehend language at the same level a human can.

AI tools are there to help you complete tasks and that helps you do your editing more efficiently. It cannot do the fine-tuning, customization, or artistry.

This means editing will continue to be tedious for the foreseeable future.



The Cold Hard Truth: If you're someone who really cannot stand the idea of meticulously listening to every word of a podcast that either you edit for a client or a podcast that you record and produce yourself, then it may be time to have those difficult conversations.

  1. Really consider whether you should be working on a podcast that bores you.

  2. Or maybe you shouldn't be editing at all and outsourcing the editing to personality types who really enjoy listening to every word is a better solution.

There's nothing wrong with pulling the plug on a boring show that you're producing so you can start fresh.

All the lessons that we learn during our first shows and projects will enrich and become really powerful assets to the new shows and projects that you work on next.

There's also nothing wrong with pulling the plug on a boring client. In fact, I insist on it. 


Don’t let boring work from an unmotivated or misdirected podcast dampen the fun of the craft.


There are many serious and motivated individuals who are making interesting, amazing content to try and reach a real audience and do amazing things in this world and you could be a part of all of that.

Perhaps the most fulfilling aspect of being a creative professional and a creative agency is that you get to be involved with so many cool projects that help so many cool people achieve their dreams in this world.



The bigger point I’m trying to make is not actually the specific problem of falling into the AI trap.

The Bigger Problem AI Creates: While leveraging AI tools daily in your creative workflow, you must resist the temptation to fall into complacency or mediocrity.

Take accountability and responsibility for yourself and the projects that you work on. 

You should never hear yourself say out loud, “Oh my god, this podcast I'm working on is sooo boring.“

My immediate reply to that is, “Then why are you still working on it?”

Excuse #1: “Well, I have to pay the bills.”

Excuse #2:As soon as I can, I'll get another client.”

Excuse #3: “Well, I've been with this client for two years now.”

Excuse #4: “Well, (fill in your excuse).”

Excuse #5: “Well, (fill in your excuse).”

Excuse #6: “Well, (fill in your excuse).”

Excuses. Excuses. Excuses.


Take Accountability and Responsibility: Get a client. Raise your rates more aggressively. Prospect and qualify your clients before you onboard them.


You are going to be a badass creator. Your podcast is going to go to places.

You are going to make incredible things happen with the business that you start online and the presence that you're building online BUT, you have to take responsibility and quit relying on quick fixes for boring content.

You have to do the work.



Luckily, the work is just showing up every day. And the magic sauce that it takes? You already have that. You were born with that shit.

All you have to do is show up five days a week and work on becoming more you.

I know authenticity is difficult because (for whatever reason) people have been beating our true creative selves out of us since we were kids. The real work is undoing that abuse and remembering you are creative.

Empower the creative process- AI Podcast Editing Is it Really Making Your Content Better

Creativity is what separates humans from animals. We are creative and it’s the most important thing that we can do.


Listening to every word of a podcast episode is one of the most enjoyable things you can do especially if it's an incredible show that you're motivated to be a part of and help take places.


Motivated creatives are the kind of editors that we train in our program, the Video Podcast EditLab. We open enrollement for that program twice a year, and it's by application only. There may be a cohort coming up soon, depending on when you're reading this, so you can click here to find out more.



Don't FALL into the AI Editing TRAP



Thank you so much for stopping by the Pod Sound School. Make sure you stop by every week because we put a ton of love, effort, and creativity into our content with one real purpose in mind: to really help you with your creative and financial freedom. 

We want you to have the freedom to be creative and work on fulfilling projects, but also we want you to have the financial freedom to be able to enjoy the fruits of this beautiful life. And that's open now for everyone.

We live in the most amazing time. There are NO restrictions and NO gatekeepers anymore. Now, you are the gatekeeper.

So take responsibility for that and keep showing up every week.

We will keep you motivated. We will keep you trained on the tools you need. And if you're really ready to take that leap and take the fast track to become a creative professional online, make sure to check out our courses right here.

And I'll see you next week. Same time, same place. Keep up that great work!




If you want to learn about my favorite editing tools, I did a live workshop that you can find here on YouTube. In this workshop, I cover all of my favorite editing tools for podcasts and videos. This is the exact workflow that we teach inside of our programs to our editors. So don't miss out. Check it out now.



We work with CEOs one-on-one directly. You can find out about that by clicking here. And we have coaching programs for podcasters, lots of fun programs, workshops, and things we're always putting on so don't be a stranger. We want to be in your corner, on your podcast production team — we’re here for you.



If you are thinking to yourself, “Oh, I want to get into that and I want to get on it right now!” we work with clients one-on-one to help them:

  • set up their studios

  • choose the right equipment for their needs and budgets

  • help them launch their shows

If you're interested in this, make sure you go HERE to get all the information you need and learn more about how we can help you.



Are you new to video podcasting and content creation and want to build a studio in your home or business office but you don’t know where to start? I recorded this video right here showing you how I turned my home office Into a multi-purpose content creation and video podcasting studio.

You’ll discover:

  • all the pieces of equipment I purchased for my studio

  • how you can set up the equipment

  • the different tests that we did

It's a super fun video and super informative so go watch it right now.



To learn more about how podcasting can help you grow your business, get our top video podcasting hacks and gear picks, and stay up to date on the latest news, click here to subscribe to Pod Sound School’s FREE Creator Hub Newsletter.

Stephen Davis

Stephen Davis (AKA Studio Steve) is the co-founder and CEO of Pod Sound School, with 20 years of experience as a video/audio producer, professional audio engineer, and graphic designer. A lifelong audio nerd, Stephen’s passion for sound began at seven, and he’s since juggled rock bands, recording studios, and Hollywood productions. Today, he’s dedicated to helping aspiring editors master video podcast production and turn their skills into fulfilling careers. Through Pod Sound School’s YouTube Channel and Video Podcast EditLab, Stephen shares his knowledge and love for creating video and audio content with a new generation of creators.

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