WHY Posting "Bad" Videos Will Help You Grow On YouTube

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You want to start making videos for YouTube, or maybe you want to start a video podcast, but every time you want to start, you get paralyzed with self-doubt.

You start comparing yourself to other creators and you think things like…

  • “My videos will never look like that”

  • “I'm not as charismatic”

  • “I don't know what to say”

  • “I don't have any knowledge about the technical side of making videos”

If this is you, it just so happens that things are changing here on YouTube because making imperfect, sloppy, or bad videos will blow up your channel and help you connect more with your audience.

We've been posting videos on YouTube for more than five years, and we're seeing these changes happening on our channel.

We are very perfectionistic when it comes to making our videos: our videos have a lot of production, and I'm always using a script. Sadly, we are seeing that those videos are not performing anymore. 

Make Bad Videos YouTube Thumbnail

Here are the 10 reasons why I'm ditching my scripts and encouraging you to post imperfect, bad, sloppy videos along with me:



  3. Reason 3: WANTING TO







  10. Reason 10: YEARNING TO

  11. WATCH OUR YOUTUBE VIDEO: WHY posting "bad" videos will help you grow on YouTube


But before we start, if this is your first time here, Welcome to the Pod Sound School! I’m Veronica, the marketing director and instructor in our programs. 

My job is to help you make a podcast that attracts the right audience so you can hit your personal or business goals.

If you’re a business owner, this is a great time to:

  • start a podcast to educate prospects about what you do

  • become a trusted authority in your industry

  • connect with your customers

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10 Reasons Posting "Bad" Videos Will Help You Grow On YouTube

We've been making videos for YouTube for more than five years. We have uploaded more than 700 videos (including shorts) to the platform (between our 2 channels) so I hope I can share a little bit of my expertise and experience with you in the hopes that at the end of this blog post, you feel encouraged to finally press record and to start posting your content on YouTube.

Pod Sound School’s YouTube Channel:

The last reason that I'm going to share with you, reason number 10 is something that is very private and dear to my heart, but I think it's time for me to share it with you so you know what's in my heart.



Reason number one is that making content and videos feels pretty lonely and the feedback and engagement from your audience is key to NOT feeling lonely. 

One of the motivations for me to write this blog post comes from experiencing how heartbreaking it is to make content only to feel like you're barking to the moon.

We spend a lot of time making a video, planning it, rehearsing it, and making sure we use the right equipment. It's a lengthy production process and I script my videos too so it takes forever. 

And then you post a video and you don't get as many comments — this is something that has happened to us with the last few videos we posted on our channel — so it feels like you're barking to the moon. It feels very lonely and very isolating because you rely a lot on the comments and engagement on your video.

Comments are a big metric for engagement here on YouTube so when we spend a lot of time creating a video and post it and it gets 1,000 or 2,000 views but ONLY 3 people comment on it, it makes me wonder, “What's going on?”

I think that many creators would agree that there's no better feeling than posting a video and getting questions and people excited to comment on your content.

When you DON’T get that engagement, it feels pretty lonely. It feels like, “Who am I making this for? Where are my people? Am I doing the right thing? Am I teaching the right thing? Why are they not asking questions? Why didn't they like the video?”

So that's why you are currently seeing a lot of creators on YouTube making videos that are more of them talking and sharing their expertise and more conversational, less scripted, less produced — nothing too complicated. 

Reason 1 - WHY Posting Bad Videos Will Help You Grow On YouTube - making content feels pretty lonely

We're seeing a shift where this is the type of video (the less edited, more conversational type) that is performing on YouTube.

It doesn't surprise me because those are the videos that I like to watch. I like to follow creators who make me feel like I'm sitting there with them, listening to them, and just having a conversation. It's relaxed. It's not causing me anxiety because it changes every 30 seconds. 

There's a shift from the overly produced videos with things changing every 30 seconds to keep your attention, the audience's attention.

Things are shifting the other way and it's very refreshing. It feels very good not to have that pressure. 



Reason number two is that it takes me too damn long to plan and record a video. Let’s break down the process.

I do a lot of research for my videos and I also script my videos…BUT…I’m a slow writer so it takes me a really really long time to write a full script for my YouTube videos.

And then when I'm done writing, I have to rehearse or perform the outline, because I use a teleprompter for my videos. It’s one thing to write for a blog or the unspoken word and a completely different thing to make it sound conversational when spoken so it doesn't sound like you're reading.

While I’m rehearsing and reading the script on the teleprompter, I add all of the necessary pauses and breaks to the script so that takes a lot of additional time.

Then it's time to record so now I have to put myself in the mood of performing because reading is very different than talking with someone. If I don't bring the energy, practice, rehearse really really, it's going to look like I'm reading and won’t connect with the audience.

So step 3 takes a freaking long time too.

And this bonus problem…
To add to everything, I've been feeling burned out. It's been really really rough the last few months while making video content.

Reason 2 - WHY Posting Bad Videos Will Help You Grow On YouTube - being sick and tired of how long it takes to produce a video

To be honest: I'm just not feeling it anymore. And that poses a problem when it comes to recording. I really struggled to record my last video and I don't want that to be the case anymore.

I want to be excited about recording my videos so that's why a SIMPLE video production process where it’s just me talking and sharing my expertise, what I know, and being away from reading a teleprompter feels so good



Reason number three is that I don't practice what I preach.

When I work with clients and students, my number one priority is to help them show up the way they are because I know how hard and frustrating it is to build a faux persona, rely on a teleprompter to make videos, and not have your personality come through your content.

From my own experience, I know creating a faux persona and relying on a teleprompter will not help any of my students or clients grow on YouTube (especially not in 2024). 

So my number one priority is for them to show up as themselves and talk the way they normally talk when the camera or microphone is not on.

If I do that for my clients, have a lot of patience, and encourage them to be themselves, why don’t I do that for myself?

Why do I make it so hard and difficult? What am I trying to prove? What do I feel so insecure about? Is it that I don’t feel eloquent enough? Because my brain works differently? Because I’m comparing myself to other creators who seem like they were born to make videos and have it ALL together (which is very discouraging)?

I don't want anybody to watch my videos and think man, I will never be like her. I will never be as eloquent as she is.

When in actual reality… here’s what’s going on behind the curtain: I'm reading a teleprompter and my husband is a very talented video and audio editor.

He knows I don't edit my content and he knows how I'm supposed to perform the script in a certain way so the result is a high-quality or “perfect” video that performs well on YouTube. 

Frankly, I’m tired of trying to be perfectly polished. I want people to see me and think if she can do it, I can do it too. I want people to see me and think man, she's real, she shows up and she's real.

Reason 3 - WHY Posting Bad Videos Will Help You Grow On YouTube - wanting to practice what I preach

To add fuel to the fire…

Working with my husband has been really hard too because he is a perfectionist.

If I'm a perfectionist, he's even worse than me.

But we're learning to let loose and let go of so many things — mainly for the sake of our company, the sake of our business, and where we want to take.

We have to let go of certain things to grow. And the first thing we're trying to get rid of is our perfectionism when it comes to making our content.



Reason number four is I want to find my people. How am I going to find my people, the people who will like me, accept me, and even celebrate me for who I am, if I only show my YouTube persona? It will be very hard!

Who am I attracting if I'm NOT being me in my YouTube videos?

When I watch my videos back, I want to see me.

More importantly, I want my audience to see me show up anyway despite struggling with certain things, not feeling eloquent, having an accent, and doing this in a second language.

I want people to see that I'm showing up even though I know my English isn't perfect, I’m not feeling confident, I see myself aging, and my makeup isn't perfect. 

By being me in my videos, you’ll either feel closer to me or it will repel you and I’m okay with that.

Reason 4 - WHY Posting Bad Videos Will Help You Grow On YouTube - atracting people who don't get me

I’d rather have a tight-knit audience who gets me and who I get.

I want to feel that connection.

I want to have an audience that is there because I'm being courageous and showing up as myself. And as I do that, they’re inspired to do the same.



Reason number five is I want to enjoy making videos again. When we started our channel, making videos was super fun because it was something I had never done before so I really enjoyed it.

I loved the creative process, and how after planning and putting something together, you can see something tangible. You can go to the channel and watch the video you created. 

I want it to feel fun again. I want to feel motivated to create something. 

One of the reasons being a YouTube creator is so hard is that you're constantly chasing the algorithm — you are constantly trying to make videos with keywords that will perform…

…so it just gets boring.

It feels like you are stuck in a hamster wheel feeding the algorithm and not having fun at all.

If you're getting bored making your OWN videos, well, what do you think will happen to those who watch your videos???

They’ll probably just get the information and bounce because they won't be able to connect with you if you’re halfway dead.

So I want to focus on creating videos that make me happy, that make me feel like I'm free, and that get me excited to spend time with you and share my expertise.

Reason 5 - WHY Posting Bad Videos Will Help You Grow On YouTube - creating video is like pulling teeth

The fact that I don't have a teleprompter and I'm not as eloquent as I am with a teleprompter doesn't mean I don't have the training or expertise to help you build a presence online or get started with your video podcast.

The teleprompter is not the thing that makes me an expert so I just want to get rid of it and the idea that if I don't show up “perfectly” then people won't believe I can help them. 



Reason number six is perfectionism is paralyzing. Yes, it is. And this is going to make me emotional. 

I have spent most of my life trying to be perfect.

I don't think this is exclusive to me. I've seen a lot of people struggling with this. The more I work with my clients and students I can see they’re struggling with it too.

Perfectionism is so hard because it robs you from even starting, from being completely honest and saying, this is what I have, these are my skills right now, but I'm going to start with what I have. 

I think behind perfectionism is a lot of fear — fear of rejection, not feeling accepted, and not feeling loved.

Perfectionism is not human. Nobody is perfect. We all make mistakes. We all have to start from zero. 

And because I've been so caught up in trying to create videos perfectly, I have robbed myself of the experience of learning how to record videos like this, which is so refreshing. Just me talking. 

🚫 I don't want to be perfect.

🤎 I want to be approachable.

🚫 I don't want to be perfect.

🌈 I want people to see me and feel inspired by me, not discouraged.

✨ I want to feel like I'm good enough like it's enough who I am and what I know — it's enough.

🌎 I want to know that I can make a difference in the world and I don't have to be anybody else to do that — I can just be me and make a difference.

Reason 6 - WHY Posting Bad Videos Will Help You Grow On YouTube - feeling paralyzed by perfectionism

So if you are a perfectionist like me, just know that it's okay and that there are a lot of us, thankfully, a lot of creators on YouTube who are trying to change this, who are trying to show more of themselves.

Know that nothing is perfect and that even the most experienced creators struggle and it's hard.



Reason number seven is progress over perfection.

There's no way around it. You will get better by making videos.

Those first videos, they're going to be pretty horrible. They're going to be really really bad. And you're going to cringe every time you watch those videos and that's okay, that's just part of the journey.

Unless you are coming into this with experience, it’s just something that we all have to go through as creators.

You also don’t want to start developing certain bad habits like I did…

For example, I became so attached to using a teleprompter and scripting every single one of my videos that it became a habit I couldn’t quit.

Eventually, it felt like that was the only way I could make videos.

And just the thought of not using a teleprompter gave me a panic attack. 

Reason 7 - WHY Posting Bad Videos Will Help You Grow On YouTube - prioritizing perfection blocks opportunities for growth

So don’t be like me and do this instead…

What I want you to do is make the worst possible video you can make.

Just start, press record, talk, and see what happens.

Those kinds of videos are so refreshing; they are way better at connecting with people and growing your channel than thoroughly planned, scripted videos that make you look perfect, rehearsed, and mistake-free.

I've seen a lot of people who spend days or trash a whole day recording a video just because it's not up to their standards.

My advice to you is to post that video (no matter what) so you can get feedback from your audience. That feedback will help you get better at what you do.



Reason number eight is authenticity creates trust.

I'm going to share an important story with you.

I met with a prospect who found me on YouTube and the first thing that came out of his mouth, when we met over Zoom, was…

“Oh, but you don't sound or look the same or as enthusiastic as you do in your videos.”

Well, I don't so that was hard to hear.

He was right. The regular me, the Veronica that you see every day here in my home, is just not a hyper person.

I mean, I'm happy and I try to bring a lot of energy to what I do, but I'm more calm and collected and my energy is not as through the roof as I portray in some of my videos.

So I just got thinking…

“Oh my god, I am showing myself in a way that is not me. So when people meet me in public or they happen to meet with me over Zoom, they are met with a totally different personality and that can be misleading.”

How can you trust somebody who shows herself in a way that is totally different in her videos than in her real life???

Reason 8 - WHY Posting Bad Videos Will Help You Grow On YouTube - portraying a faux persona on YouTube misleads my audience

Here’s the Bottom Line: The more authentic you are, the more people will trust you.

If who I am in my videos is the same as who I am in my personal life, when a fan meets me virtually or in person, they will meet the person they have seen in my videos.

Now they won’t be let down because my energy is low or they're not put off by me being stoic sometimes. (I can be a little stoic) But anyway. 



Reason number nine is that creativity thrives with imperfection. And that is something that I've seen with my six-year-old.

My six-year-old, we celebrate her imperfections every single day. 👩🏻‍🎨 She likes to create art and she makes a mess. 🎨 And when she does it we feel happy because we know that she's in the process of making something. 

So when did that stop for me? When did I start adopting this belief that I have to get things perfect?!?

  • That when I'm making something, I can't make mistakes?

  • That I'm not allowed to show people that I'm a work in progress?

  • That I have to show up so it sounds like I know it all?

  • That I'm a professional so I can't make mistakes? 

What people care about the most is that you can deliver the results that you're promising, not that you don't have it perfectly together and all figured out.

And I don't want to pretend or act like I have it together when I don't.

Reason 9 - WHY Posting Bad Videos Will Help You Grow On YouTube - craving the freedom to color outside of the lines

When you allow yourself to make mistakes, do things imperfectly, be who you are, ease into the work, relax, and enjoy having everything that you create come from a place of curiosity, creativity, and messiness.

When you do that, your best work will come through and that's what I want for you.

My wish for you is that you allow yourself the freedom to make a ton of mistakes without worrying about how your videos turn out.

It's going to be okay and we're going to celebrate you just because you try.



Reason number 10 — one of my most important reasons — is that I want to set an example for my kids and other women who want to start making videos, and start their businesses. I want to be an example for them.

I was showing one of my videos to my 15-year-old son when he turned to me and said…

“Mom, that's not how you talk. That's not you.”

Our kids have been watching us. They’ve been here day in and day out watching me making videos, watching me building my business. 

And just to think that I'm sending the wrong message that you can't build something while you show the real you, that you have to be someone else, that you have to act differently than who you are for you to be successful.

That's pretty sad because that's not the example I want to set as a parent. 

Reason 10 - WHY Posting Bad Videos Will Help You Grow On YouTube - yearning to set an example for my kids and other women

I want to celebrate and encourage every single one of my kids when they are being themselves.

I want them to see me and think they can do it too. I want them to see that despite my “imperfections” and insecurities, I am doing it and being successful.

I want them to see me fully embrace myself with all my “imperfections” and “flaws” so they can learn to fully embrace themselves too, not feel like they have to change themselves to be successful.

I don't want them to look at my videos and be like, “Who is that? That's not my mom.”

I want them to look at my videos and be like, “Yep, that's my mom.”



WHY posting "bad" videos will help you grow on YouTube



I hope that these “10 Reasons for why I'm ditching my scripts and encouraging you to post imperfect, bad, and sloppy videos along with me” resonated with you and inspired you to start making imperfect, sloppy videos.

I hope you fall in love with the process, fully enjoy what you're making, use your video as market research, and don't get discouraged if things are not perfectly made to your standards.

Stop giving your imperfections so much power because, on the other side of your imperfection, there's an audience waiting for you to celebrate who you are at your core. And you don't want to deprive anybody of that.

Make bad videos. Boom.



why posting bad videos will help you grow on YouTube - 10 reasons
why posting bad videos will help you grow on YouTube - 10 reasons I stopped scripting my YouTube videos


I'm Embracing Authenticity in a Scripted World

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Veronica Davis

Veronica Davis is a lawyer-turned-content marketer, video and podcast strategist, and YouTube creator with over 90k subscribers. As Content Marketing Director at Pod Sound School, she develops and strategizes content across multiple platforms, working with brands like RSS.com, Descript, and Buzzsprout to create impactful video campaigns. With expertise in content marketing, strategy, and consulting, Veronica helps businesses grow by crafting engaging, results-driven content. She combines her legal background with creative storytelling to work 1-on-1 with clients to bring their video podcast visions to life and is passionate about teaching business owners and creative professionals to do the same in her 6-week group coaching program.

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