Should I Quit My Podcast? Don’t Quit, Do THIS Instead!

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If you’ve been thinking, “Should I Quit My Podcast?” it’s a clear sign that it’s time to do a podcast makeover. Instead of quitting, let’s talk about what changes you can make to your show so it becomes easier to record, aligns more closely with your personality and lifestyle, and produces a bigger ROI.

And to help you figure out the best path forward, I’m going to share the good, the bad, and the ugly of our Content Jefe podcast makeover.

That’s right, we are saying goodbye to season one of Content Jefe and welcoming the new season with a brand new look. So if you're thinking about giving your podcast a refresher or re-engaging your podcast audience with new, fresh, and super fun content, this blog post is for you.

the ultimate 3-step podcast makeover - should I quit my podcast

But before we start, if this is your first time here, welcome to the Pod Sound School! I’m Veronica, the marketing director and instructor in our programs. 

My job is to help you make a podcast that attracts the right audience so you can hit your personal or business goals.

If you’re a business owner, this is a great time to:

  • start a podcast to educate prospects about what you do

  • become a trusted authority in your industry

  • connect with your customers

To learn more about how podcasting can help you grow your business, get our top video podcasting hacks and gear picks, and stay up to date on the latest news, click here to subscribe to Pod Sound School’s FREE Creator Hub Newsletter.

Okay, now let’s talk about how to do a podcast makeover and fall back in love with podcasting.



Hey there. Welcome to my office. This is one of the changes that we are implementing for season two. I'm going to be recording here in my home office.

Veronica recording Content Jefe in her home office - should I quit my podcast - podcast makeover

And you may be wondering, where is my cohost? Where's Stephen? Well, he's no longer with us. I fired his ass. Just kidding. I can't fire him…he's kind of like my boss.

But, one of the changes that we are implementing for season two is that I will be running the show solo. I'm going to be the host of Content Jefe. Stephen is not going to be in the picture anymore.

So if you've been following our journey with Content Jefe this is a big deal. This is something that took a lot of thinking. But I'm excited. I'm excited to be here and I'm excited for this new chapter of Content Jefe.



There are two reasons why Stephen is not going to be in the second season of Content Jefe.

The first one is that we were not getting along. We were not on the same page when it came to recording the podcast, which is very interesting because we get along pretty well when we're working on other projects.

But for some reason for the podcast, when it was time to record the podcast, we were just not a good team. We got into a lot of disagreements because I have my way of doing things and he has his way of doing things.

And there were many, many times when we would even have fights right there when we were getting ready to record. That was not the kind of energy that we wanted to bring to the podcast.

We started dreading the fact that we had to record together, that we had to record the podcast. That was not what we wanted for our podcast so we decided it was going to be my project from this point forward. And I think we're both very happy with that solution.

And reason number two for us not being together for the second season of Content Jefe is that we are getting busier and busier every day. We have more clients and we have more students.

The bigger that we get, the more that we get contacted by people who want to work with us, all super fun opportunities. So for both of us to record the podcast, it was not a waste of time, but it wasn’t a very efficient use of our time and resources.

So that's the other reason why we decided to make the podcast my project. And I'm super happy for that.

For season two, baby, I'm flying solo. And let me tell you, I have surprises for you!



My whole idea with the podcast is to…

  1. create a community

  2. share in-the-moment situations and experiences with you, with my audience.

This is also a place where I just want to connect with people. I want to show my personality. I want to show you me and I want to connect with others and just be content bosses.

This podcast is all about being a content boss.

My mission is for you to feel empowered, not feel embarrassed, not compare yourself with other creators, and to be you.


I think content is an expression of our experiences and personalities.

The more we are ourselves, the more we get to connect with other people who are happy to embrace us the way we are and happy to learn from us.


So I want this podcast to be that for you. And I'm excited to hear all of your stories and to get to learn from you as well.

But I didn't want to start talking about the brand new season, season number two, and start planning the relaunching and all this without first looking at what we did.



If you're going through the process of relaunching your podcast or launching a new season of your podcast, this is step number one for you and I call the Come-to-Jesus Moment.

In this step, you want to look at your numbers. You want to look at your analytics and make an inventory of what worked so you can be very proud of the hard work that you put into it and how well your strategy was working.

You also want to look at the not-so-good things that happened so you can fix them before starting this new chapter of your podcast.

That's exactly what I did and I am going to be totally transparent with you. I'm going to share Content Jefe’s analytics with you — the numbers do not look very good — so you can learn what worked and didn't work with me. And I'm very proud to share this information with you.

Step 1 - podcast makeover - the come-to-jesus moment - should I quit my podcast


So I had a Come-to-Jesus Moment with our podcast. I went inside our Content Jefe YouTube Channel and looked at the analytics. Next, I went inside our web host, Spotify for Podcasters, and looked at those analytics as well. And let me tell you it was not a good experience but I'm going to share those numbers with you anyway in the name of transparency.



As of the date I created this blog post, we have:

  • posted 261 videos on our Content Jefe YouTube channel including shorts

  • accumulated 964 subscribers

  • more than 100,000 views

  • more than 2,000 hours of watch time

Content Jefe Podcast - YouTube channel - the ultimate 3-step podcast makeover - should I quit my podcast


Our best-performing video on the channel is a YouTube short that we repurposed from a long-format episode. In that YouTube short, Stephen is talking about trends and how jumping on trends and using trend hacking is not a very good strategy for content creators who want to grow on YouTube.

Looking back, it makes total sense that that short performed well on YouTube because there are a lot of people who are interested in growing their channels using quick hacks and trend hacking. So it makes total sense that that short performed well.

That YouTube short alone got more than 8,000 views and got us 48 subscribers to our channel. So I may consider creating shorts in this upcoming season.

The second best-performing video for Content Jefe is an episode that I recorded right after I made a video for our main YouTube channel, Pod Sound School, about recording a video podcast using my iPhone 14 as the camera.

Right after I finished shooting that video for our Pod Sound School YouTube channel, I wanted to do some commentary to share the whole experience and my findings.

Afterwards, I placed a link to that Content Jefe commentary episode in the description under the original video which is performing really well on the Pod Sound School YouTube channel and as a result helping more people find the Content Jefe channel.

It’s also one reason that that specific podcast episode is one of the best-performing videos on the Content Jefe channel.

The other reason it’s performing well is that I'm talking about a very trendy topic, video podcasting. There are a lot of people searching for video podcasting tips and how to make a video podcast with an iPhone, so that's another reason it's performing so well.

That podcast video episode has gotten us 3,800 views and we published that video in December of 2023. So in six months, we got 3,800 views and 93 subscribers for that video alone.

So if we look at our analytics from our YouTube channel for Content Jefe, they're not so bad. Yes, we could have done a lot better — so keep reading because I'm going to tell you in a minute what we did wrong and why we're not experiencing more growth on YouTube.

Content Jefe Podcast - Spotify - the ultimate 3-step podcast makeover - should I quit my podcast


Now let's talk about the analytics that I got from Spotify for Podcasters which is the web host that we use for Content Jefe to distribute the podcast to Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

We started Content Jefe in June 2022 so it's been two years of us producing Content Jefe.

In those two years, we got 3,045 plays and 87 subscribers on Spotify for Podcasters.

And then I looked at our analytics on Apple Podcasts and they are not as good as YouTube, not that the ones from the Content Jefe YouTube channel are very impressive.

It was very disheartening and discouraging to see that we only have 87 followers on Spotify and the same amount on Apple Podcasts.

Our audience there is not as big as our audience on YouTube, which is 916 subscribers to our channel and more than 100,000 views.

So it pays off to have your podcast or your video podcast on YouTube because you can experience more growth even if you're not as consistent with your podcast.


  • apply some of the best practices for YouTube SEO

  • optimize your episodes

  • use good titles

  • record podcast episodes about things that your audience is interested in

  • do keyword research

So the advantage of having your podcast on YouTube is that you can optimize your content to help people find it.


  • Are you only posting audio-only podcast episodes on YouTube? How is that working for you

  • Are you posting video podcast episodes on YouTube?

  • Is your audience on YouTube bigger than your audience on the other podcast players like Spotify and Apple Podcasts?

Content Jefe Podcast - Apple Podcasts - the ultimate 3-step podcast makeover - should I quit my podcast


Let's talk about what we did right and why we experienced more growth on YouTube.



Well, the first thing is that we optimized our videos — we did keyword research as much as possible.

However, there were some episodes that we just wanted to record because we were feeling creative or feeling like we needed to talk about certain topics even if they were not highly searched.

We also weren’t too strict because the channel was new. When you haven't posted any content on YouTube, there's no reference or way to find out if your channel ranks for any of the keywords.

As we continued to post episodes and content on YouTube, we started optimizing our videos, adding keywords to our titles and descriptions, and optimizing our thumbnails to make people click.

And our content was about things our audience was interested in.

So those are some things that we did right that enhanced some of Content Jefe’s YouTube channel analytics and episodes. If we had not optimized our videos, we would have been stuck at a hundred subscribers, or something like that.



The other thing that we did pretty well was to post shorts.

We didn't know at the time if that was going to be a good strategy to grow the channel but we did it and some of those shorts started picking up and brought some subscribers to our channel.

So posting shorts was a good strategy for a brand new channel.



Another thing that we did is create high-quality content.

We were recording the episodes upstairs in the studio so we looked very professional. We were using professional cameras, lenses, and microphones so the whole experience of you tuning into our podcast was a good experience.

This is what we’re known for: we make high-quality videos and content for YouTube, for sponsors, and our different coaching programs and courses, and for private clients.

So our production was really high-quality. That's one of the things we did intentionally with our podcast from the beginning was to make high-quality content.



So what went wrong?



We were not consistent. It's very hard to stay consistent when you already have the responsibility of growing another channel.

We've been consistent on our main channel, the Pod Sound School channel. We've been posting videos every weekend. Maybe we have missed a few weeks, but we've been very consistent with our content on that channel — that's why that channel has close to 100,000 subscribers.

But because making content for one channel alone is a LOT of work — there's a LOT of work that goes into making one YouTube video — our podcast just kind of took the backseat.

On top of creating content for our main channel, we were making content for sponsors and our courses, students, and clients so it got to be too much!

We would record a few podcast episodes and then stop and not post any more episodes for months sometimes.

So not being consistent was one of the things that we didn't do well and dropped the ball on.

It's really hard to be consistent when you're overwhelmed and don’t have time to record the podcast.

You also start losing your audience because they don’t know when to expect a new episode so they can’t get into the habit of tuning in on the same day and time every week. That's what happened to us.



And then we were also not clear about the role that our podcast was going to have into our overall content marketing.

When we started recording the podcast, we did a lot of teaching in the episodes but we were already doing a lot of teaching on the Pod Sound School channel because that channel is educational.

Instead of doing more teaching, I wanted the podcast to be about sharing our journey as content creators and online entrepreneurs and some of the lessons we’ve learned along the way.

That was one of the things that we couldn't agree on. Stephen wanted to teach and I just wanted to be me. And that was just not flying.

As a result, we had to make educational content for both the Pod Sound School channel and the podcast so that was a LOT of work!



And then we did not have an efficient workflow.

We tried to batch-record some episodes. You can only imagine how exhausting it was to have to batch record — it made us extra cranky and grumpy.

First, it takes a lot of work to batch-record several episodes in one day or one weekend.

Second, sometimes the episodes don't perform as well because you can't keep your energy high when you are recording four episodes in a row.

Third, every time we wanted to record, we (but mostly Stephen) would have to set up the studio and equipment.

This is another reason it was so hard for Stephen to record the podcast. He had to handle all of the equipment and technical things making him frustrated and sweaty.

I don't know much about the technical stuff, so I would be sitting there trying to help or wondering if I should intervene or say something.

And then he would sit down and he would be all frustrated and sweating. And so that just wasn't fun.

So that's one of the reasons I am going to be recording here in my office, everything is set up and ready for me to record at the spur of the moment. All I have to do is press record and talk about what’s on my mind.

I'm going to be sharing more of my journey with you where I just sit down and be honest with you about the things that I'm going through in the moment.

You will find a lot of value from that because if you are going through the same situation and running your business from home or you're a content creator, then we'll be able to connect through our shared experiences: the things that we have to go through to make content, entertain and educate our audiences, and grow a business from home.

So that's the kind of content that I want to record for the podcast.



Another mistake that we made was that we were recording a lot of content.

I already mentioned this, but we were recording videos for our main channel, sponsors, and courses.

But recording a lot of content wasn’t the only problem: it also had to be edited and distributed.

Thankfully, we have editors who edit our content (and they're very talented editors) but then somebody has to post all that content. So we were getting behind with posting all of the content and it got to be too much to record all of that and the podcast and get everything posted.

So that's another mistake we made and one of the reasons we dropped the ball.



To wrap up step number one, look at your analytics, and see what's working for you.

That's the Come-to-Jesus Moment where you get to be proud of your work, or maybe you just get that, ay, uy, la embarré. What am I going to do to fix it?

That's why you should look at your analytics.



You are going to love step number two because that's the step where we slow down and get creative as we plan the new look of our podcast. I call this step the Betty La Fea transformation.


If you don't know what Betty, la Fea is, it’s a telenovela I watched with my mother when I lived in Colombia. It was a very famous telenovela.

Yo soy Betty, la Fea (English: I am Betty, the Ugly One), often referred to simply as Betty, la Fea, aired from October 1999 to May 2001.

I have fond memories of that telenovela because we watched it right before I moved here to the US.

My mom and I speak telenovelas. If you have a Latina mom, you will understand this.

Let me explain. Every time she wants to share with me a life lesson or give me advice, she cites a telenovela.

She cites telenovelas like an attorney in court, “Your honor, in Brown versus Board of Education of Topeka…” but instead, she uses telenovelas, “Mamita, remember Sebastián and la Gaviota en Café con aroma de mujer?”

Anyway, I digressed. I like a good telenovela. Do you like telenovelas? What is your favorite Colombian telenovela?

For me, my 3 favorites are:


Anyway, going back to step number two, the Betty La Fea transformation.

This is where you get to create new visual assets for your podcast:

  • cover art

  • banner for your channel

  • profile pictures

  • digital assets and graphics

  • animated intro for your video podcast

  • you name it

This is a time when you can also choose to either rebrand altogether or just give your podcast a refresher.

Step 2 - podcast makeover - the betty la fea transformation - should I quit my podcast


It’s also the perfect time to remind yourself of WHO your ideal listener is.

I went through the whole process of asking myself WHO am I making this podcast for?

For this step, I used Canva to create a whole presentation about my ideal listener.

I added…

pictures of my ideal listener (and gave her a name)…

as much information and detail about this person as possible because I want to know who I am talking to when I record my podcast…

It makes it easier for me to connect, visualize this person, and want to sit down and have a conversation.

So do this, it's a good thing to visit this once in a while, to open this document and go through all the information you have for your ICA (ideal customer avatar).

Now that you have produced a few episodes and interacted with your listeners, you probably have a better idea of who your ideal listener is, or if your ideal listener is your client, you probably already know a lot of details about them.

And you know, having those details in your mind is a different thing than actually putting them on paper and creating visuals of your ideal listener.

So I would do this. I would take the time to go through this exercise. It's a very useful and valuable resource when you are creating content.



Another thing that I'm in the process of doing that you may find very fun is to take brand new photos for your podcast cover art.

I don't even remember when it was that we last took photos. It was probably two years ago when we launched Content Jefe.

I am so excited to go through the process of taking new photos for Content Jefe. I have some ideas, but I'm not going to share those ideas with you in this episode because I want those to be a surprise.

It's gonna shock you a little bit. I'm not holding back. I'm going to show you my personality. So you're going to see things.

But I used Canva for this again, because when you are doing a photo shoot, it can take a lot of your time, energy, and mental space.

On top of that, you have all these things you have to plan:

  • your outfits

  • the props you’ll be using

  • the location (renting a studio?)

  • hiring a photographer

Keep in mind that you’ll be paying the photographer by the hour so you want to go into the photo shoot prepared.

So I used Canva again and created a mood board for my photo shoot.

I went on Pinterest and found pictures of certain poses I want to do for the podcast cover art, and assets for our social media profiles. So I downloaded those images from Pinterest and added them to my Canva mood board.

And also added different props and poses I plan to use during the photo shoot, and some outfits and colors that I want for the new season of Content Jefe.

Now when I go into the photo shoot, I'll know what props (microphones, etc.) and lighting I’ll be using, and poses I’ll be doing so I don't have to stand there and think about what to do. I just have to look at my mood board and follow the plan and the photographer can see the plan too. We won’t have to think too much.

You know what I mean?

I don't want to do the thinking and the makeup and the hair and all of that. I want everything planned.

So there's the hot tip for you, create a mood board for your upcoming photo shoot and get a photo shoot scheduled for you. It'll be fun.



Then another thing we are going to do for Content Jefe (I say “we” yes because Stephen is going to be involved in this, he doesn't know it yet) is create a new animated intro for Content Jefe.

We do this for our clients, and these are very fun to create because they're very short and have pictures, animated graphics and text, music, and brand colors so they're super fun.

If you have a video podcast, I recommend you create one. We have a video on our main channel, Pod Sound School, where Stephen takes you behind the scenes of him creating an animated intro for one of our clients so I want the same for Content Jefe.

So yeah, a new animated intro is one of the other things I'm going to be creating for Content Jefe and I'm excited.



So doing all these things…

  • revisiting your ideal listener profile, or creating a new one because the first time that you launched your show you didn't go through this exercise

  • taking brand new photos

  • rebranding, choosing different colors, and scheduling a photoshoot

  • planning or making your mood boards so you are ready for your photoshoot

  • creating digital assets or enlisting the help of an editor to help you create new visual and audio assets for your podcast

…will give your show a better look, a refreshed and brand new look.

And then you'll get excited to record content, get back on track, and fall in love with your podcast again.

I am super excited about the brand new look of Content Jefe, and maybe we'll record some behind-the-scenes footage so you can watch it on our Pod Sound School YouTube channel, and see everything that we did to put all of those assets together for the relaunch of Content Jefe and the new season, season 2.



Another thing I'm excited to experiment with is the format of Content Jefe. This is step number three and I call this step Glowing From the Inside. The makeover of your podcast from the inside is just as important as the external makeover.

Creating new podcast cover art, selecting new colors for your brand, and taking new photos — all of that's important — but paying attention to the content is important too.

This is why you need to look at your analytics, see what worked for your podcast and what didn't work, and decide what changes need to be made to your content, the episodes, what you are going to be talking about each episode, how you’ll deliver the information, and what kind of information you’ll share with your audience.

Step 3 - podcast makeover - glowing from the inside - should I quit my podcast

I haven't totally decided how I'm going to structure the episodes or the different things that I'm going to include in the episode.

You're going to see a LOT of experimentation on my part, but mainly what I want to do is record in the moment as I go through experiences. It will allow me to connect with you and it will allow me to stay on track with the podcast.

I may decide to interview guests again, but mostly it's going to be me sharing what I am going through. And believe me, there has never been a dull moment in my content creation journey or running a business from home with three kids.

And don’t forget, I'm running a business with my partner so there will be a lot of drama and things that happen behind the scenes that I don't get to share that I think will be very useful, very helpful for those who are either starting their journey or have been doing this for a long time to say like, “Oh, I go through that as well.”

So that is what I'm going to be doing.

And of course, I am going to be answering questions and providing useful information for listeners who are making content for their businesses or making content as a full-time content creator, that's what I'm here for.

I'm a nerd when it comes to creating content and running a business online, so I'm going to be sharing all that information too.

But mainly you're going to tune in and we're just going to chat. I'm going to provide a cozy experience for you here in my office and I am all for it. I'm going to be here and present and engage with you the whole time.

But also part of my strategy when it comes to the content is that I do keyword research for my episodes. I'm going to continue to do that because when you do keyword research, you get to know what people need help with.

When you use different tools to see what people are searching for on YouTube and Google, you really get a peek into what they need help with.

It would not be very smart of me to not make episodes about those things that you may be searching for on YouTube and that I have the answer for or a future guest on my podcast has the answer for.

It’s a good strategy because it also ensures I’ll record episodes about topics you find interesting or need help with.

This strategy will also help the Content Jefe YouTube channel grow. One of my goals is to grow our audience on both YouTube and all the podcast players.

So, that's how Content Jefe will glow from the inside.



When you are planning your content for your new relaunch, this is something that I want you to take into account and not take lightly. Look at your content, look at what performed, and look at some of the ways you can make your content even more fun for you and your audience.

If you're getting a little bored with your podcast, it's your show so you can change things. And chances are that if you're getting bored, that's the energy that you are sharing with your audience. You don't want to do that.

You want to enjoy what you make and enjoy making your content so your positive energy pores through the internet directly into your audience's hearts. Mita, I'm poetic.



So let me do a little recap for you so you can take these three steps with you and start your podcast makeover.

Number one, that's the Come-to-Jesus Moment. That's the moment for you to look at your analytics and do an inventory of what worked and what didn't work.

The second step is the Betty La Fea Transformation. That's where you get to maybe create new podcast cover art for your podcast, schedule a photo shoot, and make a very interesting and very movie-like comeback. You're possibly taking some risks with the photo shoot. Whatever it is that you want to do — this is the time to create new assets and spice things up a little with your show.

And then the last step is to Glow From the Inside. This is for you to look at the format of your podcast. Decide what you can do to improve your content. You may need to change the way you deliver the content or the format for your show. Do keyword research and incorporate an SEO strategy so your podcast can become more visible and get the power to reach new audiences. This is something that you can do for your podcast makeover.



Don’t Quit Your Podcast. Do this instead!


CONCLUSION: Embrace Change and Renew Your Podcast Mojo

If you’re contemplating whether to quit your podcast or give it a makeover, consider that a makeover might be the key to revitalizing your show and reigniting your passion. The experience of transforming Content Jefe has shown that embracing change can lead to exciting new beginnings rather than an end.

Season one of Content Jefe has been an exciting adventure of growth, learning, and evolution. From re-evaluating our approach to tackling inefficiencies and creative challenges, each step has provided clarity and direction for the new season.

We’ve learned the importance of analyzing what works, refining our processes, and embracing creativity through rebranding.

Step one, the Come-to-Jesus Moment, highlighted the need for honest self-reflection and adjustment based on performance metrics.

Step two, the Betty La Fea transformation, focused on refreshing visual assets and reconnecting with our ideal listener, ensuring that our podcast's aesthetics and content align with our renewed vision.

Moving into step three, Glowing from the Inside, emphasizes experimenting with content formats and staying engaged with our audience through authentic, relevant episodes.

As you consider your podcast’s future, reflect on what’s working and what isn’t. Use your analytics to guide your decisions, and embrace the opportunity to reinvent and re-engage.

Whether it’s refining your format, improving content quality, or shifting focus, a thoughtful makeover can breathe new life into your podcast and enhance its impact.

Every successful podcast evolves over time. By learning from past experiences and staying true to your vision, you can turn challenges into opportunities and continue to connect with your audience meaningfully.

So, before deciding to quit, explore the possibilities of a makeover and see how you can transform your podcast into something that resonates with both you and your listeners.



Content Jefe Podcast - makeover your podcast - should I quit my podcast - pin 1.
don't quit your podcast - do this instead - Content Jefe Podcast - makeover your podcast - should I quit my podcast - pin 2


Podcast Makeover: Practical Steps to Improve Your Podcast

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  2. Go from Podcast Idea to Podcast Planning & ExecutionTake this FREE Mini-Course for Business Owners and Creative Professionals

  3. Build Your Video Podcast (Production, Equipment, Studio Setup, Training, Distribution)Grab this FREE Step-By-Step Workbook and Watch this Video

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  1. Launch Or Upgrade Your Video PodcastWork 1-On-1 With Us

  2. Showcase Your Brand, Products, or ServicesDone-For-You Video Ads and Sponsored Videos

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  4. Become a Video Podcast Editor in 12 WeeksLIVE Group Training Program

  5. Why Work with Pod Sound School?Read More About Us // View Our Portfolio and Media Kit // Binge Watch Our YouTube Channel

Veronica Davis

Veronica Davis is a lawyer-turned-content marketer, video and podcast strategist, and YouTube creator with over 90k subscribers. As Content Marketing Director at Pod Sound School, she develops and strategizes content across multiple platforms, working with brands like, Descript, and Buzzsprout to create impactful video campaigns. With expertise in content marketing, strategy, and consulting, Veronica helps businesses grow by crafting engaging, results-driven content. She combines her legal background with creative storytelling to work 1-on-1 with clients to bring their video podcast visions to life and is passionate about teaching business owners and creative professionals to do the same in her 6-week group coaching program.

YouTube // LinkedIn // Podcast // Instagram


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