Podcasting for Beginners: Find the Perfect Podcast Topic in 4 Easy Steps

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If you’re thinking about starting a podcast, this is the first blog post in my series, Let’s Launch That Pod. Today, we’re talking about podcast topics.

Find the Perfect Podcast Topic - Let's Launch That Pod - Part 1

And instead of simply handing you a list of topics and ideas for your podcast, I thought it would be more valuable to take you through the specific 4-step framework I use with my clients and students to help them FIND TOPICS that: 

  • resonate with their personal interests

  • leverage their professional expertise

  • appeal to a wide audience

  • have strong monetization potential

The Perfect Podcast Topic - interests + expertise + monetization potential + wide appeal

And I know that some of you are thinking…

“But Veronica, I want to talk about 10 different topics that interest me and various life experiences for everybody.”

No, do not do that.


In the beginning, I want you to be more intentional about your podcast topic and follow these steps:

  1. Step 1 - Define your goals

  2. Step 2 - Decide how you are going to measure your ROI (or return on investment)

  3. Step 3 - Do research to find data-driven topics

  4. Step 4 - Use AI and get to know your audience

Because having this generalized approach to something so important, like the topic of your podcast, can make it very hard for you to: 

  • get listeners

  • grow your show

  • make money if that’s one of your goals


But first, welcome to the Pod Sound School. I’m Veronica, the content marketing director and instructor in our programs. 

My job is to help you make a podcast that attracts the right audience so you can hit your personal or business goals.

And if you’re a business owner, this is a great time to start a podcast:

  • to educate prospects about what you do

  • to become a trusted authority in your industry

  • to connect with your customers

If you’re interested in learning more about how podcasting can help you grow your business, go to podcastingsmart.com and sign up for my minicourse Idea to Podcast Simplified for Business Owners.


Okay, let's get started.


Step One: Define your goals 

The first step in my process involves a simple yet critical question I pose to my clients: 


Why do you want to start a podcast?


I literally have them write down the reasons or the objectives they have for their podcast.

WHY do you want to start a podcast For business or for fun

Starting a Podcast for Business vs. for Fun

It’s very different to launch a podcast for your business to help you sell more of your offers than launching a podcast for fun or as a passion project. 

If your podcast's main goal is to help you grow your business, then your topic is meant to educate your prospects and generate demand for your services

You want to talk about:

  • your prospects’ problems

  • or their current state 

You want to position your services or products:

  • as the solution to their problems 

  • as a way to achieve their goals 

Other things you want to talk about:

  • what you know and establish your expertise to grow your credibility and position yourself as an expert in your industry

  • the answers to the questions and concerns someone who is about to invest in your service has 

All of the above are the kinds of episodes you want to make for your podcast.


Starting a Podcast for Fun

If you’re launching your podcast as a passion project, then you want to choose topics that are: 

  1. relevant

  2. in high demand 

A topic that you feel passionate about and enjoy having conversations about so much that recording content about it is so effortless that it comes out of your pores. 


Podcast Topic Ideas for Passion Projects:

  • Maybe you’re into current events or social issues

  • You may want to share your journey as a law school student

  • Or share your fitness, weight loss, or health journey

  • Or interview CEOs because you’re a brand new entrepreneur and want to learn from other CEOs

  • You want to talk about your hobby: knitting, dogs, organic gardening, reciting poetry, traveling, fishing

  • You’d love to connect with people who share your special interest: true crime, a sport, beauty, tech


When you have clarity about the main objective of your podcast, choosing a topic is easier. 

So take out a pen and paper or open your laptop and list the reasons you want to start your podcast. 

And if you feel like sharing them, drop them in the comments below this video.


Step Two: Decide how you are going to measure your ROI (or return on investment)

This is the second question I ask my clients when they have a topic in mind or are in the process of finding the right topic.


How you measure the ROI you expect from your podcast has a huge impact on your topic.


If you’re a business owner, you can measure your podcast ROI like this:

  • by how many clients you’re signing up that are coming from your podcast

  • by how many new email subscribers you get from the lead magnet you talk about on your show

  • by how many speaking gigs or podcast guesting gigs you book per month

It’s a no-brainer that the topics you talk about in your podcast should be moving your prospects along the buyer's journey until they become a client.

Know your Podcast's ROI - Decide how you are going to measure your ROI

If you’re a podcast enthusiast, you can measure your podcast ROI like this:

For my podcast enthusiast who wants to have a podcast for reasons other than getting clients and making sales, you can measure your ROI by:

  • the technical skills you’ll learn making your podcast (like audio and video editing and using recording gear) 

  • the confidence that you gained that you didn’t have before talking into the microphone or performing in front of a camera 

  • the different opportunities that will come directly from your podcast, like networking opportunities or speaking opportunities

  • Or maybe your ROI is like one of our client’s ROI that was memorializing the stories of her elderly parents and preserving them for future generations — in her podcast, she interviewed her parents, who passed away later on  

If her ROI was to get enough attention to her podcast so she could get Netflix or Hulu to make a series or a movie about those stories, then her approach to the topic of her show would have been serialized in chronological order with more storytelling elements and sound design instead of just casual conversations.  

What do you think? Are you following? Drop all your questions in the comments below this video.


Step Three: Do Research to Find Data-Driven Topics 

Step three in my framework is to: 

  1. use the answers you got from the previous two steps

  2. do keyword and market research to develop a list of topics


I called these data-driven topics because:

  • ❌ instead of using “the spray and pray technique,” launching a podcast, and hoping for the best — meaning you’re guessing if somebody is out there who is interested in your topic… 

  • ✅ you USE TOOLS to find what your audience is searching for online, meaning what they are typing on Google or what videos or tutorials they are searching for on YouTube


Using this strategy has 2 advantages: 

  1. You will have a list of highly searched topics, so you know there’s an audience waiting for your podcast

  2. Your podcast will have a better chance of being suggested to your audience on those same search engines especially if you plan to post your podcast on YouTube, which I highly recommend, and even better if you plan to make a video podcast.

My research goes even further than this, but if you only do this, you’re on your way to choosing a winning topic.

How to uncover data-driven podcast topics - Google - YouTube - Answer the Public

How to implement a data-driven strategy to find effective podcast topics:

So, let's say you are an investment firm and want to make a podcast to educate your audience about ways to invest.

  1. You can use an SEO tool like Answer the Public and type the keyword “invest” into the search bar.

  2. Answer the Public will populate a list of keywords you can use to create episodes.

Answer The Public Find the Perfect Podcast Topic

But if you really want to seal the deal and ensure you are investing in the best possible topic, you can’t stop here. You need to do a little more research.


Step Four: Use AI and Get to Know your Audience 

AI tools like ChatGPT can be a great source of topic ideas for your podcast. 

WARNING: If you don’t give AI context, then you’ll get generalized answers that won’t be helpful in making a successful podcast, meaning:

  • a podcast that will be unique

  • a podcast your audience will fall in love with

But if you give ChatGPT all of the information we gathered in the first 3 steps:

  1. your goals

  2. the return you expect from your podcast

  3. the list of keywords

ChatGPT will get to work and spew out some great topic ideas.

ChatGPT Help Me Find the Perfect Podcast Topic

Meet with People in Your Target Audience

And finally, make it a priority to meet with people one-on-one or host a Zoom event and ask them questions about:

  • their struggles

  • if they feel stuck and on what

  • their goals and dreams

  • and all the information you can get from them

These conversations with your ideal listeners will provide valuable insights that will help you find the perfect topic and make a great podcast they will listen to and subscribe to.

Find Podcast Topic Ideas - give ChatGPT your keywords and ask your target audience

Next Step After You Choose a Podcast Topic

Now that you have a framework to find the perfect topic or list of topics for your podcast, another important step is to choose a podcast host

A podcast hosting service is what you will use to:

  • upload your audio files after they are edited

  • upload descriptions

  • upload your podcast cover

  • upload any other information about your podcast

Your podcast hosting service will also:

  • distribute your podcast to major podcast players like Apple Podcast and Spotify

  • give you access to data and insights about your specific audience

  • provide tools for you to monetize your podcast

If you’ve found your podcast topic and are ready to move on to the next step, check out this blog post and video right here where I take a deep look and compare the best 3 podcast hosting services to help you decide.



Podcasting for Beginners: Find Perfect Podcast Topic



Starting a podcast is an exciting venture, but finding the perfect topic is crucial for its success. In this blog post, we've discussed my proven 4-step podcast topic framework to guide you through this process.

  1. Firstly, defining your goals is paramount. Whether it's for business growth or personal passion, clarity about your objectives will steer your topic selection in the right direction. 

  2. Understanding how you'll measure ROI is equally vital — it shapes the content and format of your podcast episodes.

  3. Data-driven decisions play a significant role in choosing topics that resonate with your audience. 

  4. Lastly, by conducting thorough research using tools like Answer the Public, you can identify highly searched topics that align with your goals and audience interests. Additionally, leveraging AI tools like ChatGPT can provide unique insights and topic ideas tailored to your specific context.

  5. For a bonus tip, engaging with your target audience directly offers invaluable insights. Whether through one-on-one conversations or Zoom events, understanding their struggles, goals, and aspirations can refine your topic selection and ensure your podcast resonates with your listeners.

Remember, choosing the right podcast topic sets the foundation for a successful podcast that attracts listeners, grows your audience, and helps you achieve your goals. So, take the time to follow this framework, and you'll be on your way to launching a podcast that makes an impact and gives you real ROI.

Veronica Davis

Veronica Davis is a lawyer-turned-content marketer, video and podcast strategist, and YouTube creator with over 90k subscribers. As Content Marketing Director at Pod Sound School, she develops and strategizes content across multiple platforms, working with brands like RSS.com, Descript, and Buzzsprout to create impactful video campaigns. With expertise in content marketing, strategy, and consulting, Veronica helps businesses grow by crafting engaging, results-driven content. She combines her legal background with creative storytelling to work 1-on-1 with clients to bring their video podcast visions to life and is passionate about teaching business owners and creative professionals to do the same in her 6-week group coaching program.

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